Persistence. hunger. Determination

Persistence. hunger. Determination

This past weekend, I celebrated my two year “Doctorversary”- the term Dr. Poole and I use to refer to the respective dates in which our degree conferrals occurred. During the day I carved out time to meditate and reminisce on my journey thus far, and as the African American spiritual states, allowed my soul to look back and wonder how I got over. In the midst of introspection, a sermon my pastor had recently delivered came to mind. He spoke of a rags-to-riches story about young man who had “pulled himself up by his bootstraps” to become an extremely successful businessman. When asked what the secret to his success was, he replied that it was due to his PhD. He explained that though he was not the recipient of a post-secondary education, he allowed himself to dream and transformed those dreams into a solid vision. The keys, he said, to the fruition of his vision was Persistence, Hunger, and Determination.

Those words greatly resonated with me, as I understood that they were not meant to devalue higher education and doctoral attainment, but to illuminate the values that truly set apart the dreamers from the do-ers and the initiators from the finishers. In an article addressing doctoral attrition the Chronicle of Higher Education reports that a whopping 50% of doctoral students leave school without completing their degree. This statistic attests to the fact that although intellect does play a role in the attainment of a doctoral degree, it is far from the sole factor that contributes to success and completion. Furthermore, I am certain that anyone who successfully completed the doctoral process would concur that although coursework is uniquely designed to be challenging, it pales in comparison to the strenuous nature of the dissertation as well as the dedication, grit, and sheer will that is required to bring to fruition this culminating milestone. As Dr. Poole and I have often stated, the doctoral process will unexpectedly draw out one’s innate characteristic traits. Ultimately, those who prove to be persistent, hungry, and determined receive the proverbial laurel wreath of achievement.

Though the paths forged by a wealthy businessman with a high school education and a woman of color in pursuit of achievement in academia may differ, the underlying formula necessary for success is undoubtedly still applicable. As the summer winds down and we embark upon a new academic year, some of us may be gearing up to begin the term as a new student or professional, while others may be concluding their research study and preparing for defense, or advancing to the next phase of a five-year plan. At whatever level we find ourselves, I challenge us to adopt a PhD mindset- one that will keep Persistence, Hunger, and Determination at the forefront of our journeys, particularly when the novelty of a new academic term wears away and the real work begins. In what areas of your  life can you adopt a PhD mindset? How has a PhD mindset served you along your journey this far. Let us know by leaving your comments below!!

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“On the Prowl: Surviving the Job Hunt Process”

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