Navigating the Terrain Part 2: Traditional vs. Online and Distance Learning Doctoral Programs

Navigating the Terrain Part 2: Traditional vs. Online and Distance Learning Doctoral Programs

Since its inception in 1636 until today, the realm of higher education has been associated with stately, brick and mortar buildings named after prominent men and women, where students travel across lush acres of federal land to interact with faculty, staff and peers, all while earning their respective degrees. The mere presence of students interacting with their campus environments has spawned the institutionalization of the school of thought we recognize as Student Affairs. The opportunity to co-exist in the spirit of collegiality with like-minded peers has always been an attractive selling point for those on the receiving end of the message that enrolling into a traditional, post-secondary institution is the optimal choice. Other benefits of choosing a traditional degree program may include:

  • Face-to-face interaction- This was one of the primary reasons I chose to pursue a doctoral degree through traditional means. I wanted to be able to interact with my professors and peers and to engage in socio-emotional learning in addition to academic learning.

  • Accountability- Traditional doctoral degree programs typically provide more structure for students, which may be sought out by those learners who are not necessarily detail-oriented.

  • Facilities- the opportunity to take advantage of campus facilities such as the library or student recreation center may be an invaluable perk to those student pursuing degrees at traditional institutions

  • More options- Generally, there are more campus-based degree options available than online, especially if you are interested in receiving your doctoral degree through a public or private university.

Although these benefits are often accepted as worthwhile, there are a few disadvantages to traditional degree programs that may turn learners away. They include:

  • Inflexibility of course offerings/ times in which courses meet

  • The addition of external stressors such as transportation and parking.

  • Being location bound for 3-7 years until your degree is conferred.

  • Possible additional cost for the use of campus resources.

Though traditional learning through physical attendance at a college or university is most common, technological advances have gifted post-secondary learners with the flexibility to pursue degrees in a manner that best suits one’s particular lifestyle. Though pursuing an online degree was once associated with for-profit institutions, public and private universities quickly recognized the cost benefit of virtually serving prospective students. From a student perspective, there are also perceived benefits that accompany enrolling in an online degree programs, especially as it pertains to doctoral degrees. Some of those benefits include:

  • Flexibility- online learning is undoubtedly more conducive to a busy schedule that may include career and familial obligations

  • Mobility- a change in daily schedule or location will not disrupt enrollment or learning

  • Convenience- online learners can essentially learn from home, eliminating possible stressors including transportation, social anxiety, physical appearance, etc.

  • Pace Setting- Students can learn at their own pace and are not necessarily affected or distracted by the learning pace/style of their peers.

  • Cost- in some cases, tuition for online programs may be lower, as students may be financially exempt from costs associated with physical attendance to an institution.

Some perceived disadvantages of pursuing a doctoral degree online may include:

  • the missed opportunity to interact face-to-face with the campus environment on a consistent basis, including building solid relationships with fellow learners and professors, both within and outside of your cohort or program.

  • Building experience through graduate assistantships or teacher assistantships on campus

  • Having to rely on technology as a sole medium of communication

  • Increased need for personal accountability and self-discipline/motivation

Fortunately for learners pursuing a doctorate who see value in the social interaction and relationship building aspect that traditional institutions provide, but also would like to partake in the benefits of an online program, the option to engage in what is known as distance learning may prove to be the most attractive option. Distance learning entails both an online component as well as an interactive component. Some students log into a virtual classroom at set times each week to interact with peers/faculty, while other programs have pre-scheduled symposiums, sometimes called “residencies”, which serve as checkpoints throughout degree matriculation where student cohorts and faculty have the opportunity to mingle and work together. For this reason, some learners view distance learning as the best of both worlds.

As always, we believe that assisting in navigating the terrain is important as we seek to continue to demystify the doctoral process as best we can for our tribe. For those Ebonies preparing to apply for a doctoral program in the near future, or those currently mulling over the decision, we hope that by outlining the differences between a traditional vs. online vs. distance learning degree program, this information will serve as an additional resource to supplement the decision making process. For those Ebonies who have completed degree programs or who are currently enrolled, what drove your decision to pursue a traditional vs. online vs. distance learning experience? For those Ebonies are are considering degree programs, what factors are most important to you in deciding which type of program to purse? We would love to hear your perspective so drop us a line in the comments below!

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