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2018 Bridging the Gap Symposium: Eliminating Mental Health Disparities

Ebonies in the Ivory: Trauma-Specific Implications for Black Women in the Doctoral Process

Black women pursuing the doctoral degree are often faced with a myriad of mental, emotional, and institutional challenges that not only impact their academic performance but also their well-being While the importance of cultural competency remains a staple of both the ACA Code of Ethics and CACREP learning standards, there exists a gap in the literature in its practicality and usefulness in working with Black women while addressing the traumatic experiences they may face as intersectional minorities pursuing terminal degrees. This session will interactively discuss the discomforts and issues faced when considering individual and group approaches of working with Black women in the doctoral process. These discussion sessions will serve as a follow-up to the 2017 NBCC Symposium roundtable sessions entitled “A Seat at the Table: Experiences of Black Women in the Doctoral Process.”